Sunday, May 9, 2010

Change Over Time Essay

We have not actually talked about the Change-Over-Time Essay, which is a little scary considering there are 3 days remaining until the test. Here is a basic rubric for this essay.

Yes, I ripped this off of some other teacher's crappy website, sue me.

Sample prompt:
Analyze the social change that took place in TWO of the following regions from 1750 to 1914. Be sure to discuss the role of women and gender relationships in your response.
Western Europe
Middle East

Thursday, May 6, 2010


My FORUM is finished now...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sometimes Overlooked...

I don't know how many of you have used the Bentley text's online website, but it's a great resource that provides a nice summary of all the chapters. I've been using it to jog my memory from those chapters we covered earlier this year.

Here's a link to the website:

(Also, I like this blog website better-- better interface and editing tools)

This should also help

Official College Board Website Link

AP Multiple Choice Quizzes

These are just a couple of quizzes that should help you out in your reviews.
Sample Quiz 1
Sample Quiz 2

Not to burst your bubble, or anything, but

Abhishek, I think a forum format might be better for our purposes here. One of the problems I saw with the official blog format was that comments aren't treated very seriously. If we wish to foster more open discussion, a forum-style site would work just a bit better, à mon avis.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Welcome to the new AP World blog!

I know we only have a week left before the test, but this blog will help us to study and review for the big test. What might help is not to post things relevant to what we're learning in class now, but things we may have forgotten. Or, post possible test questions. There's only about a week left, so try to use the blog to its maximum potential, and I'm sure it'll really pay off once test day rolls around. Good luck, everyone!